This section gathers our research results from NESPOQ and related projects.
Date | Authors | Title | Conference/Journal | Link |
2024/01 | KLICNIK, O.; MUNSTER, P.; HORVATH, T. | Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Multiplexing by Using the Attenuation Method | Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2024 | Researchgate |
2024/03 | Dervisevic E., Voznak M., Mehic M. | Large-scale quantum key distribution network simulator | Journal of Optical Communications and Networking | OPTICA |
2024/11 | Rass, Stefan; Mehic, Miralem; Voznak, Miroslav; König, Sandra | Hacking the Least Trusted Node: Indirect Eavesdropping in Quantum Networks | IEEE Access | IEEE |
2024/07/10 | TŮMA, P.; HAJNÝ, J.; MUZIKANT, P.; HAVLÍN, J.; MALINA, L.; DOBIÁŠ, P.; WILLEMSON, J. | Open-Source Post-Quantum Encryptor: Design, Implementation and Deployment | Secrypt 2024 | Scirepress |
2024/03/05 | CÍBIK, P.; DOBIÁŠ, P.; RICCI, S.; HAJNÝ, J.; MALINA, L.; JEDLIČKA, P.; SMÉKAL, D. | Pushing AES-256-GCM to Limits: Design, Implementation and Real FPGA Tests | Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS) | Springer |
2024/02/08 | RICCI, S.; DOBIÁŠ, P.; MALINA, L.; HAJNÝ, J.; JEDLIČKA, P. | Hybrid Keys in Practice: Combining Classical, Quantum and Post-Quantum Cryptography. | IEEE Access | IEEE |
2023/10 | Burdiak P., Kapičák L., Michalek L., Dervisevic E., Mehic M., and Voznak M. | Demonstration of QKD Integration into 5G Campus Network | 2023 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM) | IEEE |
2023/10 | Klicnik, O.; Munster, P.; Horvath, T. | Multiplexing Quantum and Classical Channels of a Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) System by Using the Attenuation Method Typ | Photonics | MDPI |
2023/09 | KLÍČNÍK, Ondřej, Klára TURČANOVÁ, Petr MÜNSTER, Adrián TOMAŠOV, Tomáš HORVÁTH a Jan HAJNÝ. | Deploying Quantum Key Distribution into the Existing University Data Infrastructure | AFRICON 2023 | IEEE |
2023/08 | Mehic M., Michalek L., Dervisevic E., Burdiak P., Plakalovic M., Rozhon J., Mahovac N., Richter F., Kaljic E., Lauterbach F., Njemcevic P., Maric A., Hamza M., Fazio P., and Voznak M. | Quantum Cryptography in 5G Networks: A Comprehensive Overview | IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials | IEEE |
2023/07 | DOBIÁŠ, P.; RICCI, S.; DZURENDA, P.; MALINA, L.; SNETKOV, N. | Lattice-based Threshold Signature Implementation for Constrained Devices | SECRYPT 2023 | SECRYPT |
2022/09 | MEHIC, M., RASS, S., FAZIO, P., VOZNAK, M. | Quantum Key Distribution Networks | Book, Springer | Springer |
2022/10 | M. Mehic, S. Rass, E. Dervisevic and M. Voznak | Tackling Denial of Service Attacks on Key Management in Software-Defined Quantum Key Distribution Networks | IEEE Access | IEEE |
2022/10 | Josef Vojtech, Rudolf Vohnout, Ondřej Havliš, Petr Pospíšil, Martin Šlapák, Radek Velc, Lada Altmannová, Tomáš Horváth, Jan Kundrát, Michal Hažlinský, Elisabeth Andriantsarazo, and Piotr Ridlichowski | First cross-border trial of quantum key distribution sharing fiber line with data and accurate time transmissions | Proc. SPIE 12238, Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XX, 122380H | Link |
2022/09 | KLÍČNÍK, Ondřej, Adrián TOMAŠOV, Petr MÜNSTER, Tomáš HORVÁTH a Jan HAJNÝ. | Long-term Parameters Monitoring of the IDQ Clavis 3 QKD System | In: 2022 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM). | IEEE |
2022/07 | MALINA, L.; RICCI, S.; DOBIÁŠ, P.; JEDLIČKA, P.; HAJNÝ, J.; CHOO, K. | On the Efficiency and Security of Quantum-resistant Key Establishment Mechanisms on FPGA Platforms. | In 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2022). | Scitepress |
2022/03 | Ivan Zelinka, Quoc Bao Diep, Václav Snášel, Swagatam Das, Giacomo Innocenti, Alberto Tesi, Fabio Schoen, Nikolay V. Kuznetsov | Impact of chaotic dynamics on the performance of metaheuristic optimization algorithms: An experimental analysis | Information Sciences | ELSEVIER |
2021/10/25 | KLÍČNÍK, O.; MÜNSTER, P.; HORVÁTH, T.; HAJNÝ, J.; MALINA, L. | Quantum Key Distribution Polygon | In 2021 13th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT). | IEEE |
2021/08/17 | RICCI, S.; MALINA, L.; JEDLIČKA, P.; SMÉKAL, D.; HAJNÝ, J.; CÍBIK, P.; DZURENDA, P.; DOBIÁŠ, P. | Implementing CRYSTALS-Dilithium Signature Scheme on FPGAs | ARES 2021 (main track) | ACM |
2021/06/06 | RICCI, S.; JEDLIČKA, P.; CÍBIK, P.; DZURENDA, P.; MALINA, L.; HAJNÝ, J. | Towards CRYSTALS-Kyber VHDL Implementation | SECRYPT 2021 | Scitepress |
2021/02/24 | MALINA, L.; DZURENDA, P.; RICCI, S.; HAJNÝ, J.; SRIVASTAVA, G.; MATULEVICIUS, R.; AFFIA, A.; LAURENT, M.; HAQUE SULTAN, N.; TANG, Q. | Post-Quantum Era Privacy Protection for Intelligent Infrastructures | IEEE Access | IEEE |
2021/02/04 | MALINA, L.; SMÉKAL, D.; RICCI, S.; HAJNÝ, J.; CÍBIK, P.; HRABOVSKÝ, J. | Hardware-Accelerated Cryptography for Software-Defined Networks with P4. | SecITC 2020/LNCS | Springer |
2020/01/20 | MALINA, L.; RICCI, S.; DZURENDA, P.; SMÉKAL, D.; HAJNÝ, J.; GERLICH, T. | Towards Practical Deployment of Post-quantum Cryptography on Constrained Platforms and Hardware-Accelerated Platforms. | Innovative Security Solutions for Information Technology and Communications (SecITC) | Springer |
The second NESPOQ workshop is located at CVUT-FIT in Prague 18. 9. 2023.
The workshop program 10:00 – 15:00:
- Introduction and introduction of the participants.
- Presentation of NESPOQ project activities in 2023.
- Presentation of results and other activities.
- Presentation of activities in project stages:
1) Presentation of stages 3.1 and 3.2 (Crypto BUT, Jan Hajný), the system principle for hybrid key establishment, and the video demo for key exchange and encryption on a real device.
2) Presentation 3.3 (CESNET + Optolab BUT, Josef Vojtěch and Ondřej Klíčník), the presentation of the QKD system deployed in a practical route for 10 km.
3) Presentation of stage 3.5. (VŠB, Patrik Burdiak), the current state of the 5G network at VSB labs, a SW cipher solution for testing QKD on 5G. - Afternoon program: the introduction of the QKD deployment at CESNET in the Dejvice campus and the 10-km real route.
The presentations can be downloaded from the link (for the password please contact the project manager: Lukas Malina at
The NESPOQ brokerage event 2024
The NESPOQ brokerage event is located at CESNET (address: Generála Píky 430/26, Prague, room: C5.37) 21. 5. 2024.

The workshop program 10:00 – 13:00:
- Introduction of the participants.
- NESPOQ project introduction.
- Presentation of key NESPOQ results and planned activities.
- Discussion and future steps.
The presentations (in CZ) can be downloaded here .
For more information please contact the project manager: Lukas Malina at
Post-Quantum Transition Workshop (PQT) 2024
The PQT is located at Hotel Olympic (address: Sokolovská 138, Prague, Czech Republic, 19th floor) 4. 12. – 5. 12. 2024.

The workshop program Wednesday 4. 12. 2024:
- Registration 9:30 – 10:00
- Workshop Opening (10:00 – 10:10) – Lukáš Malina (Brno University of Technology) and Tomáš Rabas (The National Cyber and Information Security Agency – NÚKIB)
- Session I. (10:10 – 11:00) – Post-Quantum Cryptography: Introduction and Current State
- Jan Hajný (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic). Post-Quantum Cryptography: Introduction and Current State (25 minutes talk)
- Peter Roenne (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg). Challenges in the Post-Quantum Transition: Future-Proofing E-Voting (25 minutes talk)
- Coffee break 11:00 – 11:15
- Session II. (11:15 – 12:30) – PQC in (e-)Government Sector
- Taaniel Kraavi (RIA, Estonia). Post-Quantum Cryptography Transition in e-Government in Estonia (20 minutes talk)
- Bohuslav Rudolf (NÚKIB, Czech Republic). Post-Quantum Cryptography Standards and Roadmapping, PQC portal (20 minutes talk)
- Manon de Vries(TNO,Netherlands). Post-Quantum Cryptography migration in the Netherlands (20 minutes talk)
- Lunch break (12:30 – 13:30) – Hotel Olympic restaurant
- Session III. (13:30 – 14:40) – PQC in Commercial Sector
- Petr Muzikant (Cybernetica, Estonia). Applied PQC in Software Security (20 minutes talk)
- Roman Lechner (IBM, Czech Republic). PQC in Hardware Security Modules (20 minutes talk)
- Rudolf Vohnout (CESNET, Czech Republic). PQC Deployment Methodology (20 minutes talk) – NESPOQ related talk
- Coffee break 14:40 – 15:00
- Session IV. (15:00 – 16:00) – Cross-Sector Panel Discussion on PQT
- Selected panelists from state, academia and commercial sectors:
- Representative of cybersecurity agency (Tomáš Rabas, NÚKIB, Czech Republic).
- Representative of research sector (Manon de Vries, TNO, Netherlands).
- Representative of commercial sector (Tomáš Rosa, Raiffeisenbank, Czech Republic).
- Moderator: Lukáš Malina (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic)
- (Optional) Thursday 5. 12. 2024
- Optional Session VI. 8:00 – 10:00 – Individual meetings, project brokerage and matchmaking (Hotel Olympic)
The public presentations from PQT can be downloaded here .
- The workshop is supported by the NCC-CZ, project entitled „Development of Capacities and Support of Collaboration in Post-Quantum Cryptography (DeCaPoQ)”.

For more information please contact the PQT co-chair: Lukas Malina at