Brno University of Technology – Crypto/AXE Team
Jan Hajny (, WWW)
Principal investigator
Cryptography and Security
Jan Hajny is an expert in cryptography, security in informatics and telecommunications. In the field of cybersecurity, he has been successfully solving or leading projects for over 10 years, including European projects. As the principal investigator in the NESPOQ project, he is responsible for the overall and professional level of the project, research in the field of modern cryptography and risk management. He also coordinates research activities and team activities.
Lukas Malina (, WWW)
Project manager
Hardware-Accelerated Post-Quantum Cryptography
Lukas Malina has been working in applied cryptography, cybersecurity and network security for over 10 years. He also deals with hardware-accelerated cryptography at FPGA platforms and post-quantum cryptography. As the project manager, he is responsible for team coordination, project management, communication with the provider and the application guarantor. As a member of the research team, he deals with applied research and development in the field of post-quantum cryptography, coordination of development activities at FPGA platforms and security analysis.
Sara Ricci (, WWW)

Post-Quantum Cryptography
Sara Ricci deals with post-quantum cryptography and lattice-based cryptography. As a member of the research team, she mainly deals with the following activities: an analysis and implementation of postquantum cryptography algorithms, integration of the quantum key establishment system and postquantum encryption / key establishment, and cooperation on the cryptographic system concept.
Kamil Vrba (, WWW)
Security and Telecommunication
Prof. Ing. Kamil Vrba, CSc. is an expert in converged systems, security in informatics and telecommunications. He is the author or co-author of more than 140 professional articles published at international conferences and in journals, 52 patents and author’s certificates and 31 prototypes. In the NESPOQ project, prof. Vrba focuses on the control of results and a professional guarantee of project outputs.
Developers, PhD Students and Predoctoral Grantholder:
Peter Cibik (, WWW)

Hardware-Accelerated Cryptography
Peter Cibik is a Ph.D. student at FEEC at Brno University of Technology in Czech Republic. He is currently involved in the project as a developer and focuses on hardware-accelerated cryptography at FPGA devices.
Petr Jedlicka (, WWW)

Hardware-Accelerated Post-Quantum Cryptography
Petr Jedlicka is a Ph.D. student at Brno University of Technology in Czech Republic. He accomplished his Master’s degree in Electronics and Communication Technologies at the Department of Radioelectronics at Brno University of Technology. As a Ph.D. student and a project developer, he is currently focused on the optimization and implementation of post-quantum cryptosystems.
Brno University of Technology – Optolab Team
Petr Münster (, WWW)

Optical Networks and Quantum Communication
Petr Münster has been involved in optical networks for over 10 years. He also deals with the use of optical networks and cables in cybersecurity. In the NESPOQ project, he focuses on the following activities: leading the Optolab team, cooperation with other groups, publishing activities, preparation and implementation of tenders, work on QKD, implementation of testbed and measurement of key parameters.
Tomas Horvath (, WWW)

Optical Networks and Quantum Key Distribution
Tomas Horvath has been involved in optical networks for over 7 years. In the NESPOQ project, he mainly focuses on the following activities: participation in research and deployment of testbeds for QKD system, testbed measurement and evaluation of measured parameters regarding QKD system requirements, publishing activities, and cooperation in the final deployment of the system on real route optical transmissions.
Developers, PhD Students and Predoctoral Grantholder:
Peter Barcik – he focuses on the design of testbed, preparation of QKD system tender, market research in the field of QKD, processing of long-term plans of QKD system.
Ondrej Klicnik – he is engaged in the field of QKD system, publishing activities, the implementation of optical network simulations with QKD system and the evaluation of key parameters from simulations.
Petr Dejdar – he deals with the measurement of optical path parameters for a QKD system demonstration, and the testbed implementation.
Brno University of Technology – Main Contact:
Department of Telecommunications
Technicka 12
616 00 BRNO
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 541 146 990
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava
Miroslav Voznak ( )

Telecommunications, Security, QKD
Prof. Miroslav Voznak is a recognized expert in telecommunications and security and he has gained experience in numerous R&D projects incl. also contractual research for industrial companies. In the NESPOQ project, he is responsible for leading the VŠB-TUO team, coordinating activities, and fulfilling the research objectives provided by the VŠB-TUO. As regards QKD and European projects, he is the principal investigator of NATO QUANTUM5 (2021-2024) and a coordinator of the Czech part in H2020 OpenQKD (2019-2023), which is the quantum flagship project. He has authored and co-authored over 300 results indexed in WoS and according to the Stanford University study released in 2020 and 2021, he is one of the World’s Top 2% of scientists in Networking & Telecommunications.
Ivan Zelinka ( )

Software, Data processing, Information Science
Prof. Ivan Zelinka is a recognized expert in information science. He also deals with the field of quantum cryptography within international projects. In the NESPOQ project, he is co-leading the VSB-TUO team and participating especially in SW development and data processing. Prof. Zelinka has also participated in numerous grants and two EU projects as a member of the team (FP5 – RESTORM) and as supervisor of (FP7 – PROMOEVO) of the Czech team. He was awarded the Siemens Award for his Ph.D. thesis and received an award from the journal Software news for his book about artificial intelligence. He is a member of the British Computer Society,IEEE (a committee of the Czech section of Computational Intelligence), and serves on international program committees of various conferences and international journals.
Miralem Mehic ( )
Quantum Cryptography, QKD
Miralem Mehic is an expert in the fields of communication technology and quantum cryptography. As a member of the research team, he mainly focuses on these following activities: research in the field of key distribution using quantum mechanics, design of new protocols for networks using QKD, the development of quantum network simulator and the implementation of new functionalities, and publishing research results.
Developers, PhD Students and Predoctoral Grantholder:
Lukas Kapicak – he focuses on research activities in the field of QKD, analytical activities, implementation, the verification of proposals in the field of QKD and its simulation and publishing the achieved outputs.
Ladislav Behan – he deals with SW development, the implementation of QKD protocols, development work on the simulator in C ++, work with the cryptographic library Crypto++, code modifications in NS-3, QKD line simulation, and quantum network simulation.
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava – Main Contact:
Department of Telecommunications
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava
17. listopadu 15/2172
708 33 Ostrava-Poruba
Czech Republic
Department Chair:
prof. Ing. Miroslav Voznak, Ph.D.
Tel: + 420 596 995 940
Josef Vojtech ( )

Optical Transmission, QKD
Josef Vojtech is a recognized expert in the field of unique devices for long-range transmissions, development of specific services for transmissions of ultrastable quantities and interconnection of quantum sources of optical frequency, active in various national and EU projects for 15+ years. With co-uthors they have been awarded by 5 US patents. In the NESPOQ project, he is leading the CESNET research team. He is responsible for coordinating individual CESNET activities, and for testing and evaluating the complete QKD/PQC system on the real route.
Rudolf Vohnout ( , WWW)

Optical networks, QKD
Rudolf Vohnout is an expert in the field of optical networks. He focuses on optical transmission infrastructures and photonic services. In the project, he deals with definitions of use cases, use case preparation, verification on the real route, and creating recommendations for the state administration and the application guarantor.
The CESNET team involves these developers and researchers:
Martin Slapak – is an expert in ultrastable transmissions, distributed optical sensor systems, automation of measurement and data processing, and machine learning. He deals with the following activities: cooperation on the preparation of parameters for QKD setup, including test networks, the preparation of measurements on real routes, laboratory preparations, the measurement of optical-quantum parameters in the laboratory and on a real route.
Ondrej Havlis – is an expert in the field of network technologies, especially in the field of advanced photonic devices focused on the support of SDN (software defined networks).
He focuses on research, development and innovation of special applications and services in optical transmission networks, especially the transmission of ultrastable quantities. In the project, he deals with setting HW parameters and QKD testbed implementation, the analysis of QKD solution vulnerabilities, and the establishment of QKD solution parameters for a production deployment.
CESNET – Main Contact:
CESNET, z. s. p. o. – Department of Optical networks
Zikova 1903/4,
160 00 Prague 6
Czech Republic